Senin, 16 April 2012

Freee sex among teenager

Free sex among Teenager
In era globalization , teenager is a young person which they need more attention from their family .according Wikipedia , A teenager, or teen, is a young person whose age is between thirteen and nineteen (13-19). They are called teenagers because their age number ends in "teen". Someone aged 18 or 19 is also considered a young adult. In the United Kingdom, a person aged 16-19 is often considered a young adult.

as far as we know , at age of the teenager really curious about anything like smoke , pornograpy and information about their environtment. There are so many teenagers doing free sex before marriage . there are some causes of free sex among teenager , the first is family because teenager need more attention in their age . They parent just thinking about their wjob without take attention their son . it's can be the causes abaut that . The second is environment factor .After that , we know that free sex is western culture .it's really diffferent with our culture .but teenager thinking about western culture is modern for them . so , it make our teenager or our contry to follow their culture especially free sex.
in the globalization , technology is really important for us especially internet . there are many people use internet in the world . there are andvantage and disadvantage for use internet . it's very easy to found porn fim which it can be causes of free sex.

the effect from free sex among teenager are , one of them is pregnant outside of marriage . and it can psychological impact of pregnancy and parenthood in teens.


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